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Let's Celebrate Hawaiian History Month!

Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī Coalition is proud to present the third Hawaiian History Month in 2022! In celebration of Queen Liliʻuokalani's 184th birthday, we are holding five weeks of in-person and virtual events throughout the month of September. Kicking off the month is Queen Liliʻuokalani's Birthday program on Thursday, September 2, 2022 at 9am with a virtual celebration and later at 4pm with an in-person walking tour and concert.
More details below.
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Watch Past Programs
Friday, 9/2/22
9am HST
Hauʻoli Lā Hānau e Liliʻuokalani
Join us for a LIVE virtual birthday celebration in honor of Queen Liliʻuokalani through mele and hula as a part of He ʻŌlelo Ola: ʻAha Kūkā ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
The He ʻŌlelo Ola conference is the first initiative this year as we launch into the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
For more info about the conference or to join us on Zoom visit the Anahulu ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi website at
Mahalo nui to ʻAhahui ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, Kanaeokana and so many other partners for this ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi initiative in honor of our Queen.
Additional Airings
Olelo Community Media - Oahu
09/29/22, 6:00 pm on OLELO53
09/30/22, 4:30 pm OLELO53
10/01/22, 8:00 am OLELO53
10/06/22, 11:30 am OLELO53
Friday, 9/2/22
4pm HST - 7pm HST
Memory Walk from St. Andrews Cathedral to a LIVE Concert at Kawaiahaʻo Church
Stroll with the Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī Coalition in honor of Queen Liliʻuokalani to places where she lived and prayed. Offering of hoʻokupu will be given and welcomed at each site. We will start promptly at 4pm at St. Andrews Cathedral and will continue our stroll to Washington Place, to Liliʻuokalani's statue, to ʻIolani Palace under her window and we will end together at Kawaiahaʻo Church for a LIVE concert.
The Eō e Liliʻu concert will begin at 6pm at Kawaiahaʻo Church and we are preparing song books for everyone so that we can all honor Liliʻu together through mele and hula. Performers will include: Kawaiahaʻo Church Choir,
Hawai’i Youth Opera Chorus, Buddy Nalua’i-Organist, Starr Kalahiki -vocalist, and Kumu Hula Vicky Takamine and Hālau Pua Ali’i ‘Ilima.
Come spend a moment honoring our beloved Mōʻī on her birthday.
Please register below so that we can prepare enough resources for everyone and we ask that everyone wears a mask so that we can all be safe as we gather in person.
E Mele kākou! Sing with us!
Download Music
Wednesday, 9/7/22
6pm - 8pm HST
He Lālā Ulu
He Lālā Ulu: Maoli Traditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth Can Influence the Development of a Srong Lāhui
Presented by Ka‘iulani Odom, Puni Jackson and Wahinehula Kaʻeo. Kaʻiulani Odom & Puni Jackson are with Ka Lāhui o ka Pō at Kōkua Kalihi Valley health center; Wahinehula Ka‘eo is co-founder of Kalauokekahuli on Maui. They will bring Haumea to the discussion of traditions of hāpai (pregnancy) and hānau (birth).
Friday, 9/9/22
6pm HST - 8pm HST
I Ulu nō ka Lālā i ke Kumu & He Noi‘ina Ma‘i
6:00pm – I Ulu nō ka Lālā i ke Kumu: Child-Rearing Traditions Recalled by Native Hawaiian Kūpuna
A must-see presentation for all mākua! Hawaiian pediatrician Carol Hi‘ilani Titcomb shares her findings from years of interviewing kūpuna about how they were raised and how they raised their own families.
7:15pm – He Noi‘ina Ma‘i: A Medical Pedigree of the Hawaiian Monarchy from Historical Hawaiian Language Accounts
Hawaiian language and archive graduate students, Leikuluwaimaka Meleiseā and Kalā Domingo present the medical conditions of our ali‘i as uncovered in Hawaiian language resources.
Excerpts From Kūpuna Interviews
Sunday, 9/4/22
Monday, 9/5/22
Saturday, 9/10/22
Sunday, 9/11/22
3:30pm Live music
4:00pm LIVE play performance
5:15pm Q&A with Native Hawaiian Scholar
The Hawai‘i Pono‘ī Coalition in partnership with the Hawai‘i Council for the Humanities present the premier of a new Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl play about Jonah Kūhiō Kalanaiana‘ole Pi‘ikoi, from his childhood as a young prince to his adult dedication to the welfare of the people of Hawai‘i.
A celebration of the life of Prince Kūhiō and his many accomplishments that shaped Hawai‘i as it is today, from county governments, Hawaiian Civic Clubs, lands in the National Park System, and advocating for women’s suffrage, to his most well known legacy: the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.
Bring beach chairs or a blanket and join us for an afternoon on the ‘Iolani Palace lawn with music, theater, and community! As a courtesy to your neighbors, we ask that you wear a mask.
Actors include- Zan Timtim, James Kimo Bright, Kaʻonohiokalāeʻālohilohinei T. Müller, Charles Kupahu Timtim, Kaipo Dudoit, Rāché Sapla
Directed by Sammie Choy
Wednesday, 9/14/22
6pm - 7:30pm HST
HCBE: Moʻokūʻauhau of a Movement
Community advocates and educators discuss the history of the movement for Hawaiian Culture-Based Education (HCBE), its successes, and its impacts today.
Panelists: Kalehua Krug, Walter Kahumoku III, Nāmaka Rawlins, and
Kimo Alama Keaulana
Moderator: Manuwai Peters
Friday, 9/16/22
6pm - 7:30pm HST
Ke ʻŌlino Nei Mālamalama:
HCBE in the future
Advocates, educators, and thought-leaders discuss emerging trends and challenges facing Hawaiian Culture-Based Education in a rapidly changing world, and opportunities to redefine education beyond the classroom.
Panelists: Derek Minakimi, Elena Farden, Daniel Kinzer, and Kehau Abad
Moderator: Ka'ano‘i Walk
Week 4 - I Ka Wā Ma Mua, Ka Wā Ma Hope
Hawaiian History—Its Past, Present, and Future

This week’s two sessions address how educators in the broadest sense understand their kuleana to have all subjects and modes of instruction reflect Hawaiʻi’s history and cultural values.
All of the panelists have contributed to, or been inspired by, the edited collection The Value of Hawaiʻi 3—Hulihia, the Turning (2020) and its accompanying website,, which grants access to the contents of the volume without charge to educators, students, and the general public, and supplies detailed K-12 curricula related to the volume’s essays for various disciplines.
Wednesday, 9/21/22
6pm - 7:30pm HST
History in Crisis, History in Focus
History in Crisis, History in Focus—What History does Hawaiʻi need, and Why does it Matter?
American schools are dealing with concerted efforts to exclude historical subjects that make certain students and parents “uncomfortable”— slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow, the treatment of Indigenous peoples, the denial of citizenship and human rights to Japanese-Americans during World War II, and African-American, Hispanic-American, LGBTQIA, and Indigenous History more generally. Although Hawaiʻi has not witnessed the same kind of heated confrontations recently about what histories should be taught, part of its educational twentieth century legacy was an erasure of Hawaiian history from school curricula almost as thorough as the suppression of the Hawaiian language.
Shannon Cristobal
Director of Hawaiʻi History Day and K-12 Humanities Programs,
Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities
Noelani Goodyear-Kaʻōpua
Professor of Political Science, Indigenous Politics Program
Amy Perruso
Hawaiʻi State House Representative, District 46, DOE Social Studies and Civics Teacher, former secretary-treasurer,
Davianna Pōmaikaʻi McGregor
Ethnic Studies Professor, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Director, Center for Oral History, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Friday, 9/23/22
6pm - 7:30pm HST
Hawaiian History and
Culture K-12 and Beyond
Hawaiian History and Culture K-12 and Beyond—Across the Curriculum, Across the Pae ʻĀina
This panel brings together some of Hawaiʻi’s most knowledgeable and talented educators to share how they have integrated Hawaiian history and culture not only into Social Sciences, Languages, Arts, and Letters curricula, but into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) instruction as well. Panelists will also discuss how essays from The Value of Hawaiʻi 3—Hulihia, the Turning can instruct and inspire teachers and students, creating a Hawaiʻi-based model of education that speaks to our specific place and time.
Whitney Aragaki
Science Teacher, Waiakea High School
State Teacher of the Year 2022
Patricia Espiritu Halagao
Professor and Chair, Curriculum Studies, College of Education,
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Cheryl Kaʻuhane Lupenui
President and CEO, Kohala Center,
Founder, The Leader Project
Christopher Pike
Mathematics and Science Teacher,
Chiefess Kapiʻolani Elementary School
Lyz Soto
Communications Officer,
Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities
Jonathan Kay Kamakawiwoʻole Osorio
Dean, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge,
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Week 5 - Mele Lāhui: Songs of our Nation
Wednesday, 9/28/22
6pm - 7:30pm HST
Makalapua • E Lei Ho'i, e Lili'u Lani ē
Join us for a series of performances and musical projects for our queen, Liliʻuokalani. In this presentation, we will showcase segments from The Lili'u Project Documentary by UHManoa Creative Media Department, a performance by Nā Keiki o Ka Waihona o ka Na'auao, a performance from the Eō e Liliʻu Concert, and the full Makalapua Concert at Leeward Community College.
Friday, 9/30/22
6pm - 7pm HST
Ka Haku Mele
Join us to hear directly from mele lāhui practitioners Zachary Lum, Kainani Kahaunaele, and Pueo Pata about their newest project and together we will experience their visual liner notes- a video in which each composer provides educational insight on the haku mele process.
As Haku Mele and mele practitioners, Kainani Kahaunaele, Cody Pueo Pata, Zachary Lum and Kealiʻi Reichel have captured a variety of experiences in mele – from beloved people to unforgettable places. Yet these mele find consonance in the fact that they celebrate what we refuse to lose: our ancestral way of knowing through mele. Just as the revitalization of ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi inspired further quests of knowledge about our people, place, and culture, a critical mass of mele knowledge will surely deliver future generations to renewed heights – elevating Hawaiian worldviews that remind the world of our relatedness to each other, to our environment, and to our future.
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